IAF Result 2022 Out For Group X Y-Airmen phase 1 CASB Merit list

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IAF Result 2022 Date Phase 1 Merit List Group X Y Here – CSAB Star intake 01/2021 Stage 1 Online Exam ka result kab aayega, Cut off Marks, Scorecard Details here. Download the Indian Air Force Group X Y Merit List, Selection List Pdf at indianairforce.nic.in.

The recruitment authority is going to declare the Indian Air Force Group X Y Result 2021-22. Candidates can check it through CASB Login @ indianairforce.nic.in. We will also share all the latest News for IAF Airmen Group X Y Phase 1 Result on this webpage. We know that for the related candidates IAF Result 2022 is very important. That’s why they all are searching for it on the web.

Latest News / Updates-

The Indian Air Force declared the IAF Group X & Y Result on 10th August. Here we have given a direct link to check this result. You can check it from given link and if the link is not working then try again after a few minutes.

Check Indian Air Force Airmen Group X & Group Y Result 2022 Here

We recommend all the aspirants to check IAF Airmen Group X Y Exam 2021, you need to keep patience for some time. As per the exam date, Air Force Group X, Y Exam was held from 12th to 18th July 2021. Now the authority is now preparing for the declaration of Airmen Group X Y Scorecard.

Indian Air Force Airman Group X Y Recruitment 2021 

IAF Result

IAF Result 2022 Airmen Group X Y Exam 2021

Here in this article, we have described the Latest Information about Air Force Group X, Y Result Date, IAF Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2022. We will soon activate a direct link on this webpage, so you can easily check the Result.

Indian Navy SSR Recruitment 2021

Most of the participated candidates of this exam want to know the Indian Air Force Group X Y CASB Login Result Date. We advise them all that this result will be released soon. We will shortly inform you through this webpage.

Indian Air Force Result 2021-22 Date

Exam AuthorityIndian Air Force
Posts NameAirmen Group X, Y (Intake 01/2022 )
Article CategoryResult
Selection CriteriaWritten Test / Physical Fitness Test / Adaptability Test / Dynamic Factor Test
Official Websiteindianairforce.nic.in
Exam Date12th to 18th July 2021
IAF Result Date10th August 2022

Indian Air Force Group X Y CASB Login Result 2022 July 2021 Exam

As we above mentioned that the Result of Indian Air Force Group X Y CASB will be released soon. Apart from this, we have also shared the information about Air Force Group X, Y Result Date, IAF Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2022 in the article. A direct link to check Air Force Group X, Y results has also been given at the end of the article to help the participants, which will be activated after the official declaration of the result. Here you can check the result without any hassle. So, we suggest all candidates stay connected with our website.

Air Force Merit List 2022 Pdf Download

All the candidates are worried about the Indian Air Force Group X, Y Merit List Date. And all the candidates are searching IAF Merit List Date on the official site and other blogging sites. Here we inform all the viewers that yet the Group X Y Merit List date is not released by the board. But we can expect that the India Air Force Selection List will be released in the last week of September 2021. All the candidates can download the IAF Merit List online through the official website of the Indian Air Force at indianairforce.nic.in.

Air Force Group X, Y Cut Off 2022

Candidates who have participated in the Indian Air Force Group X Y exam are eagerly waiting for the cut-off marks. The IAF Group X Y Cut Off Score is the qualifying score that the candidates required to write exam cut-off marks in all rounds to get selected for the job. Indian Air Force Cut-off will be released along with the result. with help of the cut-off marks, candidates can know whether they have qualified for the exam or not. All candidates can check the cut-off score from the provided below section.

Marking pattern

  • One mark for every correct answer.
  • Nil (0) marks for unattempted questions.
  • 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

Check IAF Group X Y Cut Off Score Previous year

Air Force GroupsExpected Cut Off Range
1. Group X45-49 marks (Total=70 marks)
2. Group Y30-33 marks (Total= 50 marks)
Air Force Groups Cut Off Marks2020 Cut-Off Marks
1. Group X43 marks (Total=70 marks)39.5 marks (Total=70 marks)
2. Group Y29.25 marks (Total= 70 marks)30 marks (Total= 50 marks)

How to Check Air Force Group X, Group Y Result 2022?

  1. Candidates visit the official site of the Indian Air Force which is airmenselection.cdac.in.
  2. On the home page, find the Group X Y result under the latest section.
  3. Click on that given quick link.
  4. Enter the registration no, exam roll no & password details.
  5. Hit on the Submit Button.
  6. Your result will appear on the screen.
  7. Check the result and download it.
  8. Take a printout of the result pdf for further use.

Important Link Area for CASB Result 2022

Visit the Official Website

Click Here to Check IAF Result

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