ONGC Result 2023-Assistant Technician Cut Off Merit List Marks

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ONGC Result 2023-ONGC Assistant Technician Cut Off Merit List 2023 Check ONGC complete upcoming result merit at

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited better known as ONGC conducted the computer-based test for Assistant Technician (Non-Executives) vacancies. Here in this post, we are debating about ONGC Assistant Technician Result cum Cut Off Marks 2023, if you have also gone through this CBT and now searching for the ONGC Assistant Technician Result/Merit List then all useful information and links are given below.

ONGC Exam का रिजल्ट जल्द ही घोषित किया जाने वाला है और सभी सिलेक्टेड आवेदकों की सूचि ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर अपलोड की जाएगी और अगर आपने भी इस पोस्ट के लिए अप्लाई किया हुआ है और रिजल्ट देखने में दिक्कत महसूस कर रहें हैं तो आप हमारी इस साईट निचे दिए गये लिंक पर क्लिक करके सीधा ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर विजिट कर सकते हैं और रिजल्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं|

ONGC Assistant Technician Result 2023 Merit List

Name of Department Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)
Name & No. of posts 747 Posts Assistant Technician
Category Exam Result
MP Postal Assistant Technician Result 2023 Soon Available
Official website

About ONGC Non-Executive Recruitment: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Western Sector Invited the Applicants for the Recruitment of 747 Posts of Non-Executives. All Eligible applicants have applied their Application Forms online on the official portal.

1st step of selection CBT was conducted successfully by the department and all the Eligible & Selected Candidates Were Called for the Written Computer Based Exam. Now after the examination, all candidates are searching for the ONGC Assistant Technician Result/Merit List on the internet.

All the related candidates just have some patience and keep in touch with us for all upcoming ONGC Result updates because soon the ONGC will Soon upload the result on its official website.

ONGC Assistant Technician Selection Merit 2023

Selection Process:

  • Computer-Based Test.
  • Skill Test: Driving Test / Physical Efficiency Test/ Typing Test

A large number of eligible aspirants have applied for ONGC asst. Technician Vacancies and all applicants can directly download their ONGC Non-Executive Exam Result in the PDF copy by searching their name, Registration no. or other particulars, etc.

So we suggest all the related candidates wait for some time and keep in touch with our website. We have given some easy steps so you can easily check the ONGC Assistant Technician Merit List 2023.

How to download ONGC Assistant Technician Exam final selection merit List 2023

  • Visit ONGC’s official website or click on the given direct link.
  • Now find the result section on the homepage.
  • Click on the ONGC Assistant Technician Result link.
  • Submit the Registration no. name and other details.
  • After submitting, the candidate’s ONGC Result will be updated.
  • Take a printout of the result copy for future use.

We wish all the very best to all applicants and if you are satisfied with our given details then Keep visiting our website for upcoming Jobs, Admit Card, or Result updates.

Important Links-

Click Here to visit the ONGC official website

Check ONGC Assistant Technician Exam Merit List Pdf

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