Telangana Anganwadi Merit List 2023- Rangareddy District Result

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Telangana Anganwadi Merit List 2023– ICDS Telangana Anganwadi Results and Selection List Pdf / Rangareddy District AWT, Ayah AWH Result:- Department for Women Development and Child Welfare, Telangana State has invited the online application form for Anganwadi Teacher, Mini Anganwadi Worker, Anganwadi Assistant Recruitment 2023.

Candidates need to visit the official website to check Telangana Anganwadi Merit List and Result. Department for Women Development and Child Welfare, Telangana State will declare the Rangareddy Anganwadi Merit List very soon. Applied candidates can check the selection list online for TS Anganwadi Selection Process will be based on the 10th class marks sheet merit list. Aspirants who have passed the 10th class with good marks. Only those candidates’ names will include in Rangareddy TS Anganwadi Merit List and selection list

Telangana Anganwadi Merit List 2023 Name wise

Department NameDepartment for Women Development and Child Welfare, Telangana State
Exam AuthorityICDS Telangana
New AboutTS Anganwadi Merit List & Result Online
Post NameAnganwadi Teacher, Mini Anganwadi Worker, Anganwadi Assistant
Total Posts232
Telangana Anganwadi Selection List DateUpdate soon
Result ModeOnline
Official or

TS आंगनवाड़ी Merit List – AWT, Ayah AWH Selection List ऑनलाइन

  • Telangana Anganwadi Teacher, Mini Anganwadi Worker, Anganwadi Assistant सलेक्शन 10th कक्षा के अंको के आधार पर होगी।
  • जिन उम्मीदवारों ने दसवीं कक्षा में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त किये है उनके नाम सिलेक्शन लिस्ट में आ सकते है।
  • तेलंगाना आंगनवाड़ी  की कुल 232 जॉब्स के लिए आवेदन किया है।
  • Candidates can check the TS Anganwadi Merit List from the official website.

Telangana Anganwadi Result 2023 District Wise

A large number of applicants have applied for TS Anganwadi Teacher, Mini Anganwadi Worker, and Anganwadi Assistant Recruitment 2023. Now all the applicants are searching for Telangana Anganwadi Merit List and Selection List. So we inform all applicants you can check Rangareddy District Anganwadi Merit shortly here and on the official website.

Get more info about TS Anganwadi Teacher Selection List online. Candidates need to visit the official website to check Telangana Anganwadi Merit List and Result. Aspirants can check the result with their name and Date of birth here from this page by direct link.

TS Anganwadi Teacher and Mini Worker मेरिट लिस्ट 2023

तेलंगाना महिला विकास और बाल कल्याण आंगनवाड़ी मेरिट लिस्ट और सिलेक्शन लिस्ट बहुत जल्द घोषित करेगा।  जो उम्मीदवार TS Annganwadi के लिए अप्लाई कर चुके है।  बह आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के माध्यम से Telangana रिजल्ट और मेरिट लिस्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते है।

TS Anganwadi रिजल्ट चेक करने के लिए हमने नीचे एक डायरेक्ट लिंक भी दिया है।  इस लिंक के मध्य से आप ICDS TS मेरिट लिस्ट बहुत आसानी से चेक कर सकते है।

How to download Telangana Anganwadi Result 2023 Online?

  • Firstly candidates need to visit the ICDS Telangana website and be given a direct link.
  • On the homepage, then find the TS Anganwadi Merit List and Selection List.
  • Now fill in the exact registration number and date of birth.
  • Click here to submit it and then your result will be displayed on your computer screen.
  • Check it and finally take a printout of the Result for further reference.

Important Links

Official WebsiteClick Here
Click Here to check TS Anganwadi Merit List & Selection List OnlineClick Here
check our website Click Here

If you have any doubts or queries regarding TS Anganwadi Result and Merit List 2023. Then you write the comment to us in the comment box given below. We will try to help you as soon as possible.

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